Amos Brocco
Country: Switzerland
Position: Lecturer-Researcher
Affiliations: Institute for Information Systems and Networking
Department of Innovative Technologies
University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Southern Switzerland
Address: Scuola universitaria professionale della Svizzera italiana
Polo universitario Lugano - Campus Est
Via la Santa 1
CH-6962 Lugano - Viganello

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Email (Work): amos _dot_ brocco _at_ supsi _dot_ ch
Email (Private): me _at_ amosbrocco _dot_ ch member since 24.08.2007
About me

I'm currently working as lecturer and researcher at the Information Systems and Software Engineering Lab, Department of Innovative Technologies, University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Southern Switzerland. I previously worked at the Institute of Telematics at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) as post-doc researcher (supported by the Swiss National Science Foundation), and while doing my PhD at the Pervasive and Artificial Intelligence Research Group, Department of Informatics, University of Fribourg (Switzerland). Spider with a map

TikiTaka (Tachistoscopio brani gratuito)

TikiTaka - Tachistoscopio brani gratuito

Supporta diverse modalità (parola, brano) con o senza sillabazione. Non necessita di installazione o registrazione.
Byron (Editor di sociogrammi dei gruppi gratuito)

Byron - Editor di sociogrammi dei gruppi gratuito

È gratuito e non necessita di installazione o registrazione.

Recent activities +

27 May 2024
Moved to new provider (Infomaniak)

14 May 2023
I've updated the publication list, adding download links :)

12 Jan 2023
TikiTaka (tachistoscopio brani gratuito) ->

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Another brick in...

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Disclaimer: all information found in these pages is my personal and professional opinion, and it does not necessarily reflect the opinion of my current employer.
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